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The IIE’s Varsity College Covid-19 Update

Good Day Students,The President’s directive for drastic action to flatten the spread of the virus has been heeded and we are attending to this call whilst continuing with our educational programme, as part of our ongoing commitment to you and your future.Our campuses will be closing for contact teaching from Wednesday 18th March, thus Tuesday 17th March will be our last day of face-to-face teaching. All activities including social, cultural and sport events are also cancelled. We will be continuing with our academic programme using Learn or on Moodle as may be the case – lecturers will post or broadcast mini-lectures on core concepts and share additional resources and direction on the Learn space for each of your modules. Assessments can be submitted on Learn. Learn classes have also been opened for the small number of IIE modules currently not taught on Learn.We will be applying strict social distancing for tests, which we will, after consideration, continue to conduct for now. We will be staggering start and end times to ensure that there is limited interaction between students coming to campus to complete their tests. We will also have far fewer students in each room than we would normally have. Please follow the instructions of campus teams to manage this.Our facilities also remain accessible to you if you require them, although your access will be limited by our efforts to ensure that all venues or facilities are able to implement the required distancing. Your patience will be needed but we are sure you understand the need for the decisions being taken.Please contact your campus through VC Assist if you have specific questions about arrangements. You can also use the helpdesk if you are experiencing access problems for Learn or Moodle. You also have access to the Student Hub as always.As circumstances change, we will communicate any further amendments to our programme, and please refer to our website in this regard. We hope to resume face- to-face classes on Tuesday 14th April.Actions required from our parents and communities1. Please keep your contact details up to date with the campus. 2. Please monitor your brand website, Facebook pages, your sms and vcconnect e- mails. 3. Please keep an eye out for messages and instructions on Learn or Moodle or your portal. 4. Please only use sites such as the NICD and WHO and the new Department of Health WhatsApp for information – there is much misinformation and fake news spreading and it causes harm and distress. Please do not circulate unverified information. 5. Anyone who has come into contact with an infected person or has personally been in a high incidence region please follow NICD and WHO protocols and contact your health practitioner telephonically. 14 days self-isolation is the very least we expect no matter what precautions you took while travelling and how well you may feel. 6. Please follow all the recommendations from the above bodies in this period to slow the spread of this virus. 7. Please keep us posted if you or a family member are directly impacted in this period.We join the President in confirming our confidence that the country will prevail as the community stands together.#flattenthecurve

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