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Certain Sports to move onto Online Platforms!

Hey all VCPMB Sports Club Members! we hope you are keeping safe, carrying on and managing to keep fit! We understand Academic Pressures are quite high at this stage, morale may be low and we are all looking for an outlet. For many of you, sport has been the outlet you have always relied on, and with-out the structure and leagues that you enjoy in your day to day lives, this may be hard to find the motivation to continue with. Stay tuned to the VC App and in Touch with your Sports Administrators because hopefully soon, we may have a solution for you, sooner, rather than later, we will be offering online features weekly for you to follow along with, they will not only get you active but will allow for some sortof inter-action with those that you used to call team-mates not so long ago! We are looking forward to your support in these initiatives, space will be limited, dont miss out!In the meantime, make sure you have ZOOM downloaded and set-up, a work-out zone prepared, and for our console gamers, get yourself a PSN+ profile so we can start a campus Champions League which will eventually move into an inter-campus tournament.

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