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In January, Lesai Benedict Seema, a third year IIE Varsity College student attended the Asia World Model United Nations Conference held in Bangkok, Thailand. The aim of this conference was to allow the chosen applicants from around the world to experience diplomacy and multiculturalism.Lesai was one of 1200 applicants chosen to submit research papers and draft resolutions on global issues whilst representing a country.Lesai Seema explained, “Throughout my studies I have always maintained an interest in international law and people’s rights in relation to Global issues. I have always thought of law as more than just a set of rules but tools that can be used to better the lives of all people.”The Asia World Model United Nations, held by the International Global Network drew from 25 000 applications submitted from all over the world, then shortlisted candidate to 0,5 % of the applications. 1 200 youths were then invited to submit research papers and draft resolutions on global issues whilst representing a country.Lesai made South Africa proud even though he was there to represent the United States of Iraq where he received a certificate of appreciation from the organization that was approved by the Global Network. “This opportunity is not only for me but for all the South African youth, who still believe in the good for the world and are willing to speak up for those who are not able to” says Lesai Seema.In the future Lesai Seema plans to continue to find solutions for global issues as an integral part of the United Nations, headquarters in New York or alternatively in The Hague in The Netherlands. As an institution that supports Lesai in all his dreams we hope that he reaches the destination and goal he has set for himself and continues to make the IIE Varsity College Waterfall Campus proud in the process.

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